Artists' Biographies — Victoria (Vicki) Shaw
Victoria (Vicki) Shaw
Posted by Karen Schaw on

Victoria Shaw has enjoyed arts and craftsall of her life. Although time was limited un-til her retirement from Dow ChemicalCanada ULC., it was at this point in life thatshe decided to learn the skills of potterywheel throwing and clay hand building.Over the passed several years, Victoria (orVicki as most would know her by) attendedLambton College in Sarnia to learn ceram-ics basics.Vicki has been married to Bill Shaw for 45+years. She enjoys time with her family and grandchildren. Volunteers with the CaringHearts Children’s Program at St. Joseph’sHospice, Sarnia-Lambton. In addition toher pottery making she loves to travel, pho-tography, watercolour painting, as well...
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