Patti Cook
Posted by Karen Schaw on

Patti lives to make art and now that she is fully retired she is devoted to spending time in her studio creating and exploring with her various mediums. Her love of “all things art” is strongly based on her upbringing, which was surrounded in both domestic crafts and the traditional arts. She works to portray her innate thoughts regarding her philosophical, spiritual or worldly expressions, her love of nature...and at other times, just for the pure joy of creating. Patti's education in the Arts has accumulated over a 40+ year time frame. Although considered self taught, she has attended a multitude of workshops over the years in both mixed media trends and the traditional arts. She had the good fortune of participating in workshops under the tutelage of two of her favourite influencers in the world of watercolour: Jeanne Dobie and the late Zoltan Szabo as well as many acrylic masters too numerous to mention. She especially enjoys painted collage as it provides her with another medium to utilize in her expressions. Patti has expanded and combined her skills in recent years using wool fibres and other natural fibres to create 2D and 3D artworks. She continues to push the envelope with this amazing medium, to explore where it takes her and as a result she has received 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards, awards of merit and honourable mentions with her most recent 2nd place award with a collage using textile, paint and embellishments. Patti has also enjoyed sharing her expertise for the past 10 years teaching in house as well as employed by Gallery in the Grove's VALS program and JNAAG's TNT and RAWS programs. Come to her website or instagram (@pateogram) for more information regarding her training and to see what she's been up to lately! |