Debbie Okun Hill
Posted by Lawrence House Centre For The Arts Sarnia on

Debbie Okun Hill is a Canadian poet/blogger/freelance writer who holds memberships with the League of Canadian Poets, The Writers Union of Canada and other literary organizations. For eight years, she was a co-host of Spoken Word, an open mic event held at the Lawrence House Centre for the Arts. She is the recipient of two Ontario Arts Council Writers’ Reserve grants with over 450 poems published in over 165 different literary publications including Descant, Existere, The Literary Review of Canada, Vallum, and The Windsor Review. Tarnished Trophies (Black Moss Press, 2014) is her first full collection of poems. She has read her work at numerous festivals and events from Ontario to the western coast of British Columbia and is currently addicted to her sketch pad. Follow her literary journey plus her numerous blog postings featuring other Canadian writers on "Kites Without Strings".